
The Mirror 6

     It’s easy to forget what you’ve asked for in prayer. The little things that didn’t need an answer before you could move on, the questions about life that work themselves out as you go. Sometimes God surprises me with answers though, with the understanding my heart cried out for but my head didn’t require. Sometimes it’s the little things that show how deeply you are loved and cared for by our big, big […]


Photo Credit to Layla Pappas

The Giver 4

I’m a bit fickle.  It’s a sign of discontent, I suppose, of not having my satisfaction resting in Christ. After all God’s work in me lately, I find myself in doubt of my value to His kingdom.  As much as I know it’s wrong, I compare myself to other women I admire, wives, moms, writers, musicians, artists; every book I read or song I hear where I think “Oh she’s saying exactly what I feel, […]

The Swamp 1

Of all I’ve been writing and sharing, by far the posts with the biggest impact are the ones I haven’t wanted to share.  The ones that reveal too much, parts of me that my ego would rather keep hidden.  My need to hide the ugly and reveal the pretty is in direct conflict with the desire to be a witness to Christ’s love and grace; because He came for a reason, and it isn’t because […]

Dying To Be Free 6

  I had a dream that I was dying and it was the most alive I’ve ever felt.  The basic premise was that I’d been kidnapped and had no conceivable way to get back home or even live through the next minute. I was being threatened by the attackers to follow their orders when I realized, “I’m the daughter of the King Most High, what can they do to me?” I fought the enemy with […]