Where’s My Cape? 6

When my husband’s mind wanders, he thinks of practical things relating to real life problem solving. I do not. I have a fun imagination and when I dream up stories, I’m usually an action hero. I’ve imagined all these crazy scenarios in which I’d come to the rescue of someone in need, even putting my life in danger to do so.



Last week, I was stuck in traffic on a bridge and saw a man peering over the edge of the bridge into the river. It started me wondering what I’d do if he was actually going to jump, which inspired a dramatic scene that involved me hanging off the bridge railing by my feet and keeping firm hold of the fallen man while telling him all about the great God whose love causes us to act in extraordinary ways. It was awesome. In the midst of my day dream, God asks me if I really think I would give my life to speak of Him. In that moment, I am certain I would. Then He asks me if I would, therefore, go home and walk my kids through their last argument in light of the gospel. You know the argument, ‘I did that but she did THIS. But he had it coming because…’ the endless argument that plagues our home by the end of summer. That particular morning it had been over kitchen chores and I’d been happy to have an errand in town that required me leaving the house. This whole “go home” idea was less fun than hanging upside down off the bridge. So He prompts me again, will you go home and walk your children through their argument in light of the gospel? Will you talk with them about how retribution is the antithesis of Christ dying on the cross for us WHILE we were still sinners? About how following Jesus’s example means showing love and mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it? About how God’s kindness is what leads us to repentance? Will you lay down your life when no one is watching, when there’s no dramatic story to be told out of it? When the only thanks you’ll get is your kiddos almost rolling their eyes at you and thinking that you just don’t get it?

Will I give my life to speak of Him?

Lord, help me to be that kind of brave, to have that endurance, that patience, to be so overwhelmed with You that I can’t help but speak, no matter the audience. 

I went home and paid attention to the next opportunity to obey the Lord in this way. I didn’t have to wait long. And it wasn’t dramatic. My kids seemed to find this less satisfactory than me choosing a side and someone being punished, but it also took the steam out of their self-righteous sails. It’s hard to feel like you got away with something when you’re reminded that He bore your shame and His blood was shed for you. It’s hard to feel indignant over what you think you deserve when you’re remembering Christ on the cross dying, not for His own sins, but for yours. SO THAT YOU WOULD BE FORGIVEN. He didn’t deserve that, and neither did you.

End of argument.

The thing is, this isn’t a one and done, put on your cape and save the day then go home and bask in the praise kind of situation. This is harder. Endurance is required, because this will not be the last time we have this conversation. It needs to be repeated over and over and over. I pray that the gospel will be the mantra in our household until it is known and thought of so regularly that it is an integral part of our family culture; so that it doesn’t have to be consciously recalled at all. What an extraordinary love that would speak of. What an awesome hero we have in Jesus.

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6 thoughts on “Where’s My Cape?

  • Kelsey Norwood

    Amen! We’ve been having this conversation a lot too at our house… We’re memorizing in Matthew about the first amd second great commandments and trying to remember that loving each other is how we show our love to God. It’s slow going…but I know eventually it will become a part of them just like you said.

    • bignoisyfamily@gmail.com Post author

      It takes SO LONG! And then of all the sudden they are practically grown up and you’re wishing they would stop 😥Blessings to you, sweet mama, as you raise up those little ones!

  • Sheri Gather

    I’m often reminded by the Father & and our Lord that he is the Savior! Living for an audience of one! Good post and Thanks for sharing Laura! Love the gifts you have been given!