The Church 2

I had an amazing opportunity last week to attend the United Pursuit School of Worship. The ways God met me while there were both unexpected and lovely. Looking around our world, it’s obvious that we need unity in the church. That we need to be pushing past disagreements and into the unity of spirit that makes us the family of God, the body of Christ, the church. I thought I understood that, but as it […]

Shaken 6

When the world falls apart around you- Where is your hope? There are times when it’s hard to recognize the world we are currently living in.  There are battles raging in our culture calling good evil and wrong right. There are divisions being forced in among us, telling us our identity is a political party, or our race, or denomination. There are wars within my once unified family. I’ve been praying for peace and reconciliation, […]

Simple 6

Can it really be this simple? I open my door wide and let her in with a smile. “Hi, come on in!” She’s a little nervous, but she is welcome here, I hope she knows that. She asks if she needs to take off her shoes, which almost makes me laugh because it’s been, um, lets go with “a few weeks” since I actually mopped the floor. Her shoes are welcome here too. I’m aware […]

Come, Lord Jesus, Come 3

“Those idiots are ruining our country!” Those idiots are to blame for the breakdown of our culture, economy, world image, education, healthcare…. I’m guessing you’ve heard it all.  The fact that you’re reading this means you have access to the internet in all it’s attention-seeking, fear-mongering glory, so I should probably just say thanks for getting here. I should definitely offer you a drink. (But since I’m writing this you’re going to have to get […]

The Mirror 6

     It’s easy to forget what you’ve asked for in prayer. The little things that didn’t need an answer before you could move on, the questions about life that work themselves out as you go. Sometimes God surprises me with answers though, with the understanding my heart cried out for but my head didn’t require. Sometimes it’s the little things that show how deeply you are loved and cared for by our big, big […]

The Giver 4

I’m a bit fickle.  It’s a sign of discontent, I suppose, of not having my satisfaction resting in Christ. After all God’s work in me lately, I find myself in doubt of my value to His kingdom.  As much as I know it’s wrong, I compare myself to other women I admire, wives, moms, writers, musicians, artists; every book I read or song I hear where I think “Oh she’s saying exactly what I feel, […]